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Use of Buggies in Competitions & Matches


Buggies may be used in competitions and matches subject to the following criteria:-


  1. A medical certificate is presented to either the Competition or Match Secretary. A photocopy of a Local Authority ‘Blue Badge’ is also acceptable. Ladies who are 80 years of age or over during the current season may use a buggy without needing to provide any medical evidence.

  2. The certificate is valid until such time as the medical condition requiring the use of a buggy improves.

  3. When a buggy is used in team matches, the opposing Club Captain must be informed at least 24 hours before the match.

  4. If players need to hire a buggy they are responsible for doing so with the club.

  5. Players may not share buggies in DCLGA Competitions unless both players have a medical certificate (or are over 80).

  6. If, due to  course conditions a club determines that buggies are not allowed, there are restrictions on the use of buggies or insufficient buggies available, this does not warrant cancellation of a match or competition.

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