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We, Durham County Ladies Golf Association (DCLGA) calls on everyone involved in golf to play their part in developing a culture that values women’s involvement in every aspect of the sport, from participating to pursuing a career. Our aim is to increase the number of women and girls playing and working in golf. To achieve this goal and to enable women to flourish throughout golf, we recognise the need for a fundamental shift in culture. There is a clear ethical need for change and the potential economic benefits of growing the sport through more women and girls
playing are substantial.

What is the purpose of the Women in Golf Charter?

● To encourage more women and girls to play the game and join clubs
● To inspire more families to enjoy golf as a group leisure activity
● To open up more opportunities for women to work within the golf industry


How can clubs get involved?

DCLGA is encouraging clubs to sign up to the Charter and will provide a list of potential commitments, meaning we are all working together to achieve the overarching aims of the Charter.

Clubs can select as many commitments as they wish, just making sure they have tangible measures and timescales linked to each commitment. Providing baseline measures when making your commitments will help to demonstrate the impact of becoming a Charter signatory.


We have created a step-by-step guide for clubs to become a charter signatory:
1. Download the toolkit.
2. Register your interest in becoming a Women in Golf Charter signatory via the online form
on the England Golf Website.
3. Formulate your club commitments using templates provided by your England Golf Club Support Officer once you’ve registered. You can also use our step-by-step guide to assist your progress.
4. Share your draft with Durham’s Club Support Officer, Neil Burke, who will help finalise your charter.
5. Once completed, England Golf will send you a certificate and branding to demonstrate your Charter signatory status. We will also provide further support to help deliver your commitments.

If you have any feedback or questions contact

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